Full Color Dental Studio is a company specialized in dental design service . Founded by Mr.Quang. He has many years of experience in the field of digital dental design. Our mission is to deliver the perfect design for your dental lab. With a team of experienced design technicians for many years, we are confident that our designs meet all the aesthetic requirements and function as real teeth. Coming to Full Color Dental Studio will save you time and money…
We provide the 3D design for Crowns, Bridges, Veneers, Implant restorations, All on X, Full Dentures, RPD’s, Bar ,Model Buider, Digital Wax Up, Smile Design…. for any laboratories or practice that uses a model or intraoral scanner. The customers send us their scans electronically and we create the designs according to the customer’s request. Our young but highly experienced designers can provide flexibility and efficiency to any digital dental laboratory.
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